I assumed back in the beginning of last year that it would take a few months, maybe three because that seemed to be a fairly decent amount of time for any new endeavour with just the right level of measured optimism, and I am a relatively practical girl in spite of being sensitive. We didn't want to try too soon before our June wedding, because I wanted to be able to fit into my dream-dress and my dear husband-to-be felt it was way too stressful to be trying to bring together the final details of our wedding plans, and baby-make at the same time. I read What to Expect Before You're Expecting from cover to cover, and bought a big bottle of pink prenatal vitamins in anticipation. It'd been many years that I had carefully worked on making myself ready: a good job, good overall health, a finished university degree, a bit of travelling in my early 20s, and a great guy I was/am still quite happy to spend my life with. I hadn't been on the pill for over a year and, even though we hadn't been trying, we hadn't been overly concerned about preventing. I had this, right?
In February 2014 I had one of the longest cycles I've ever had in my life, complete with random hot flashes, nausea, and fatigue. This is It, I thought. We both got very anxious and excited to say the least. I took a HPT a few days before actually missing my period and was so baffled when it was negative after the 5 minute wait. "Don't worry," said my pregnant gal-pal via Facebook message. "They lie! It took two weeks for me to get a positive!" And so I held my breath, waited until my period was officially late, and vowed to test again in a week. I tried not to puke my way through a three hour Yes concert that made my stomach do the wave, and a couple of days later Aunt Flo finally arrived. So that was that. No Baby on Board. Not yet anyway.
We decided to jump the gun and start "trying" in May, a month before our walk down the aisle. March and April had given us enough time to shake off the disappointment of not accidentally falling pregnant, and we agreed that if it was going to be too early for any of our guests to notice that was good enough for us. We hopped into our bed without a doubt in our minds or a worry in our hearts that it would simply happen.
January marks cycle #8 of our TTC journey. It still hasn't "just happened" the way we thought it would. It may not be "our month" this month, however, I've decided that 2015 will be the year that I get back into having a writing practise and January will at least be the month that I created a blog.
B may not be for Baby, but B will certainly be for Blog.
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