Monday, 19 January 2015

Follow the OPK Road

I have been so busy with work and all I've really wanted to do was be at home writing--yowzers! So once again I have way too much to write and not enough time (I really need to get to bed in about 20 minutes so that I can get my 8 glorious hours of sleep and feel human when the alarm clock goes off at 6:30AM) (something to know about me: I get resentful of anything that keeps me up past 10:30PM or cuts into getting at least 8 hours of sleep, unless it's an emergency or something I've chosen well in advance).

Well, I got a nice spike in my BBT this morning, which I think was the post-ovulation thermal shift I had been waiting for. Another two days of elevated temps and I'll get my crosshairs on my chart for this cycle--exciting! The downside is that for the past week and a half my poor sweet husband G has had quite the man-cold and so we basically didn't BD until yesterday (O day) and this morning since the start of this cycle...lame! Will this whole month be a TTC write-off or did we somehow manage to catch that elusive egg? We'll know in 2 weeks I suppose!

I got a lot of baby-cuddles from my childhood friend's baby yesterday afternoon. He is a phenomenal baby who never fusses for no-reason, and the kind of baby even G hopes we might be so lucky as to have ourselves one day. I just love him to bits, and yesterday if I wasn't holding him he was focusing on me and giving me lots of smiles--it was an adorable-overload! And my friend MM is such a good mom, which makes me hope that one day, when it is finally my turn, she'll be my go-to friend for baby-related advice.

On another quick note, I have also been very busy doing quick little readings for different gals on the Pink Pad forum--I never thought I'd have so many PMs pouring in for reading requests!! I feel a little bad because I was so busy at work that I couldn't be as prompt as I generally am, but when I've sat down and been able to focus I've been able to do about 4 readings per hour. And it's always interesting; sometimes certain cards just leap out at me, and everything feels so clear even though all of the readings are basically anonymous. Two women of the same age, with the same Birth Card, have PM'ed me back-to-back and yet when I look at their identical cards I see different things, and their readings are different. No two readings have been the same. It's also been interesting to answer some of the questions that I've gotten back after readings, even though I feel like it's really hard to articulate exactly what I mean, especially in such a short amount of space/time.

Anyhow--it's bed-time for me! Goodnight, world!

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