Sunday, 1 February 2015

"I'm going to eat raw salmon like a seahawk today!"

That's what my dad said via text this morning. My family's not all that into football (American football, I mean), we're mostly interested in hockey and soccer, but for whatever reason G and my dad are determined to participate in Super Bowl Sunday this year (sorry, I'm just not into it). So in about an hour we're going to pick up some veggies and dip and head over to my parents' house. This will be the first time I've seen my mother since her "gestational diabetes" comment three weeks ago, so I'm a little bit apprehensive.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday I really wanted to do some writing but there just wasn't time. I'm super thankful that G is busy in his studio right now so that I can spend a little while at my writing-desk today.

The basics: today I'm 12DPO. I haven't poas yet, I'm waiting for AF to arrive in a couple of days (or not?). That constant feeling of being dehydrated hasn't gone away at all, and so I've been putting up with night-sweats and chapped lips, and G has filled the fridge with coconut water for me. I've also been getting occasional, really light cramping. No sore boobs here. My BBT dropped as low as 37.0 degrees yesterday but was back up to 37.2 this morning, where it's been for the most part during my TTW this cycle. Hmm. So I don't know how optimistic to be.

It would be so amazing though if this were the month. In three weeks we're going up to my grandparents' ranch for about five days and I'd want to tell them first. Well, maybe my parents first, to be fair, but I'm a bit afraid of how invasive my mother could get. Grandma's way more comforting and positive to be around. This would be their first great-grandchild, and they would be so excited. Maybe G and I would be able to relax just that little bit more while we're on a mini-holiday, also? That feels so greatly needed lately.

G's older sister, my favourite sibling-in-law, is finishing up the month and a half of radiation right now. The bad news is that her doctor feels that it's necessary for her to do more chemo again, just when we were hoping she was just about done treatment for the next while. Also, apparently there's a tumour on her spine and they can't do a biopsy until after this next round of chemo, and that has G really worried. From what we've been told they were able to remove all the cancer that they had found in her uterus before it had really spread elsewhere when they did the hysterectomy, and that the chemo and radiation was all just for precaution because it was a particularly aggressive form of cancer that they'd discovered. G and his siblings are all starting to think that she and her husband (who has been really great throughout all of this) have been downplaying how serious this is. Poor C (for her first initial) says she's tired of all of this, her hair had just started to grow back and now it will all fall out again.

Also, earlier this week I watched a video that had been put together detailing 3,000 years of women's "ideal bodies" as described by their own societies. I knew some of these things via Art History classes, because there's as long a history of artists depicting "ideal beauty" as there is a canon of Western Art History to be studied, but even just seeing how many times the criteria for "ideal" has changed over the last 100 years was interesting. I'm going to try to hang onto this--what? Notion of craziness? Rejection of superficial idealism?-- while I'm at my parents' house today. I've asked G to try not to leave me alone with my mom, if he can help it.

Well, G is back in from the studio and I think I need another huge glass of coconut water before we leave the house, so it's time for me to sign off again.

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